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EBEC: an international engineering competition

EBEC is the BEST Engineering Competition in Europe, conducted by students for students.Teams that are composed by 4 students from technology fields, regardless of status of their degree, are challenged to solve the tasks that are provided by BEST in 3 different competition levels. The team which proves to be the most efficient, creative and successful at the end of competition finale is granted by “BEST Engineers of Europe” title.EBEC project begins functioning every year by the first Local EBEC Round that is conducted in Europe; afterwards moving onwards with several other Local EBEC Rounds as well as National/Regional EBEC Rounds and reaches an end by a EBEC Final event that is organised in beginning of August.

EBEC in Grenoble

2017 Edition

On thursday the 30th, we received three trainers from F3df, the best French company specialised in CAD training, in order to train more than 20 students from the university to FUSION360, an Autodesk software. In the morning, the students learnt how to use the software in order to do a designathon on the afternoon and to compete in the #3DSpirit and EBEC challenges! Both the trainers and the members of our LBG were surprised by the work done by the students. We would like to thank Grenoble INP-Ensimag and Grenoble INP - Pagora for the logistic support they gave us. And once again, thank you F3df for the training, it was really nice to work with you!

Capture d’écran 2017-11-30 à 18.14.55_large

Our partners

Special Thanks

To Grenoble INP, and its precious help by

  • Providing us a place to host our event and a room to have our lunch

  • Helping us financially through the CSIE - Commission de Soutien aux Initiatives Étudiantes - that allowed us to organize such an event

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