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EBEC: an international engineering competition

EBEC is the BEST Engineering Competition in Europe, conducted by students for students. Teams that are composed of 4 students from technology fields, regardless of the status of their degree, are challenged to solve the tasks that are provided by BEST in 3 different competition levels. The team which proves to be the most efficient, creative and successful at the end of competition finale is granted by “BEST Engineers of Europe” title.EBEC project begins functioning every year by the first Local EBEC Round that is conducted in Europe; afterward moving onwards with several other Local EBEC Rounds as well as National/Regional EBEC Rounds and reaches an end by an EBEC Final event that is organized at the beginning of August.

EBEC in Grenoble

2022 Edition: Green IoT

IoT (Internet of Things) connects everything and everyone in the smart world. Innovations in eco-friendly or sustainable energy, transportation, delivery, and IoT technology, can make life in the connected world smarter, cleaner, and more efficient. If you want to know more about this fascinating topic, join our Students Tech Clash, you will be part of a safer, better, and smarter life.

On the Laptop
Aerial View of a Drone

Our partner

Reply designs and implements innovative solutions in these areas: digital services, technology, and consulting. Reply specializes in the design and implementation of solutions based on new communication channels and digital media. As a network of highly specialized companies, Reply designs and develops business models made possible by its mastery of Big Data, Cloud Computing, digital media, and the Internet of Things.

Les épreuves


La problématique principale est la suivante:
Comment utiliser l’IoT et les capteurs pour réduire les émissions des ménages dans la vie de tous les jours ? 

Vous avez le choix de vous inscrire entre 2 épreuves. Aucune ne demande de compétence spécifique au préalable. 
Case Study (étude de cas):
Il s’agit de résoudre en un temps limité une problématique théorique et interdisciplinaire. L’équipe pourra présenter sa solution sous forme de diapositives. La meilleure équipe gagnera 4 casques beats studio 3 et se partagera 250€.
Innovative design:
Il s’agit de résoudre en un temps limité une problématique interdisciplinaire. L’équipe présentera une solution concrète grâce à un support qui sera fourni aux équipes le jour J. La meilleure équipe gagnera 4 Nintendo Switch et se partagera 250€.
The main problem is the following: How to use IoT and sensors to reduce household emissions in everyday life?

You have the choice to register between 2 events. No particular skill is required beforehand.

Case study:
It is about solving a theoretical and interdisciplinary problem in a limited time. The team can present their solution in the form of slides. The best team will win 4 beats studio 3 headphones and will share €250.

Innovative design:
It is a matter of solving an interdisciplinary problem in a limited time. The team will present a concrete solution thanks to the support that will be provided to the teams on D-Day. The best team will win 4 Nintendo Switch and will share 250€.

Information :

Vous serez par équipe de 4 pendant la compétition.
compétition durera de 9h à 18h.
Si vous avez déjà une équipe formée, vous pouvez ici rentrer le nom des gens dans votre équipe. Autrement, on vous tiendra au courant de votre équipe le jour J.
You will be in teams of 4 during the competition. If you already have a team formed, you can enter your partners here. Otherwise, we will keep you informed of your team on D-Day.

Special Thanks

To Grenoble INP, and its precious help by

  • Providing us a place to host our event and a room to have our lunch

  • Helping us financially through the CSIE - Commission de Soutien aux Initiatives Étudiantes - that allowed us to organize such an event

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